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Happy new year! Or, maybe you’re ready for a fresh small business year no matter what today’s date is. If you’re an entrepreneur like me, running a side hustle or a full-time, money-making machine, the beginning of a new year – or anytime you need a business refresh – is a great time to update […]

6 easy ways to improve your marketing and grow your small business

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In my teen years, I read the biographies of missionaries like Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, Jim and Elizabeth Elliot and Lottie Moon, and ask God to help me be as bold and sacrificial with my life as they were. I thought it would lead to exotic missions somewhere foreign like India or Kazakstan. At the […]

When life is what you signed up for

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Fellow bosses, let’s have some real talk about your website. It may be killing more business than it’s producing. The days of having a mediocre website and other great marketing to make up for it are totally over. In our digital crazed world, having a website that represents your business well and meets all the marks for […]

Four reasons your website is killing your business

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Hey there, small business buddy! Let’s talk about a quick tip to a more effective business website and check at least one thing off our to-do list today, k?  Here goes: stop the scroll.  One of the hardest disciplines of copywriting website content, or most types of content really, is keeping the message succinct and […]

My “stop the scroll” trick to a better business website

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Why did you decide to start your own small business marketing agency? Brian Schindler Photography More than how to write an email subject line, more than what to say on the home page of a website, more than connecting better with an audience, those who know me want to know what the deal is with […]

How Lindsey Wagnon Marketing started

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When I set out to create Lindsey Wagnon Marketing, I had stockpiled a LOT of information from more than a decade of professional writing and marketing work. I’ve blogged (I was among the first “professional” bloggers), been an ad agency copywriter, covered news for an NPR-affiliated radio station (bleh), wore the reporter hat for a […]

Walking the talk as a new entrepreneur

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Photo cred: Sean Lyon, LyonPictures Photography Hi there! First, thank you so much stopping by. I love you for taking your time to check out my website.  This is going to be a place where I just shoot straight. Like, maybe even embarrass myself a little with exposure and vulnerability. I hope you don’t mind. […]

Look at me, blogging again after a decade

Grab the Market Research Manual

The four-page market research guide for new entrepreneurs and experienced business owners alike. What to ask, how to ask it and when to renew your insights. Stay on top of regular research, customer feedback, emerging trends and increase your sales through smarter decision making.