My “stop the scroll” trick to a better business website

My “stop the scroll” trick to a better business website

Hey there, small business buddy! Let’s talk about a quick tip to a more effective business website and check at least one thing off our to-do list today, k? 

Here goes: stop the scroll

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One of the hardest disciplines of copywriting website content, or most types of content really, is keeping the message succinct and persuasive.

Not many readers have the attention span for lengthy copy, especially when they’re trying to make a purchase decision. They just want to know 1. who are you 2. what can you do for me.

Quick disclaimer, however. Search engine optimization is a different animal when it comes to copywriting strategy. Currently, search algorithms favor longer form copy from blog posts, articles, about pages, etc. on your website. But your home page is reader-first, which means quick, clear communication trumps length. You can work the SEO factor into other aspects of your website.

Honestly, it’s pretty basic when you boil it down and too many words overcomplicates and overwhelms your reader, resulting in one big NOPE. Are you shaking your head because this is your #1 website copy downfall? I have a video that may help

So how do you know if you’ve got too much content on your website? I mean, you have to have SOME kind of message on there, don’t you? Yes, and I have a great way to give yourself room for a little chat with your reader WITHOUT overextending your welcome into their world. It’s all in the scroll. 

If you don’t have to scroll down at all to read everything on the page (or all content is “above the fold” as they say in design world), that’s great, but often impractical when you consider design templates and where to put what, etc. The good news is, readers are usually willing to give it one swipe before they decide you’re asking too much.

With that in mind, give your webpages this test: On your phone AND on a laptop/desktop, open your website, go through each page and if you can swipe once and reach the bottom you’ve probably been pretty good about keeping your message simple and digestible. If it takes more than that, you may be losing your audience (especially on mobile – which is far and above the main web browsing platform used these days) and hurting your business potential. 

One swipe to reach the bottom, that’s all the space you get to craft a clear, effective message to your potential customers. 

Is this helpful? I’d love to know! Comment your thoughts and let me know what else you’d like to know about below. Now, back to business butt-kicking!

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