How Lindsey Wagnon Marketing started

How Lindsey Wagnon Marketing started

Why did you decide to start your own small business marketing agency?

More than how to write an email subject line, more than what to say on the home page of a website, more than connecting better with an audience, those who know me want to know what the deal is with Lindsey Wagnon Marketing – launching my own agency. It wasn’t something I’d planned for long, it just sort of became a summer obsession that I’m loving more all the time. 

About a year after having my first child, I felt an energy return that had been consumed by first year baby world. Moms know exactly what I’m talking about. I’d pulled back from a lot of extracurricular hobbies to focus on baby and work, work and baby, and though it’s sweet, it’s all-consuming. When Cora grew out of those highest of maintenance months, I suddenly realized I had the time and energy to add something back in. That something was freelancing. I’d freelanced before, but exclusively copywriting. This time, I knew a lot more about marketing as a whole and wanted to help small business owners put all the right pieces together.

So between tending the babe and working an 8-5 as a marketing director, I launched a side hustle.

Honestly, I think part of my inspiration is that the side hustle is trending, especially among those in the creative or digital space. It’s so much easier to communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime now that it doesn’t feel like a lot of extra effort to extend your services beyond your immediate area or workplace. There’s a lot of buzz about doing this sort of thing. 

The buzz hooked me with this article in Forbes. I read about the Bucketlist Bombshells and thought, I could do that! Within a week I was discussing the idea of building a side business with my husband, and he said, “I know what you need.” A few days later, an Amazon package arrives. He’d ordered Christy Wright’s book, Business Boutique, which he’d heard about from a Dave Ramsey podcast, fresh off the presses for me. It was exactly what I needed to put my idea into a written plan, and here I am, all branded and stuff. 

Since then, I’ve also become an avid follower of a few other womenpreneurs, Jenna Kutcher and The Every Girl. Jenna’s podcast, Goal Digger, has replaced my hype running playlist (I listened to two yesterday on a 15-mile training run) and The Every Girl posts so much fun, girly content I can easily get lost in. 

I’ve also been a longtime listener of Entreleadership and Don Miller’s Storybrand podcasts, which provide constant business inspiration, as well as more recently become acquainted with Neil Patel whose digital marketing education keeps me up on trends and on my toes.

I’d love to hear who inspires you, be it in business or life, in the comments section below. Or, let me know what brand writing advice you stopped by looking for and I’ll cover it in my next blog. 

You can also connect with me on Instagram or subscribe to my YouTube channel for loads of free advice. I’d love to see you there!

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  1. Jenn says:

    Great post! I love to hear what inspires people! It rubs off. 🙂