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Startup sales don’t have to come from the default, typical marketing plan. The typical onslaught of your brand on reels, in videos, in thought leader articles and sprinkled all over through Google ads can be effective AND overrated. If you’ve been trying different types of marketing, doing the same-old, same-old play that everyone else in […]

startup sales marketing ideas

Underrated marketing methods that bring easy, quick startup sales

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Paid ads marketing is a hot topic in business marketing world because it’s both popular and polarizing. Paid ads on Meta (Facebook/Instagram) TikTok, YouTube, Google, Pinterest, and on and on, have increased as a marketing choice over the years and frankly, the bigger a platform gets, the likelier it is to push businesses and companies […]

paid ads marketing for startups

Should you use paid ads marketing for a new business?

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The first year of business is an adventure filled with excitement, challenges and the undeniable thrill of turning your vision into reality. It’s also a make-or-break time period that will either catapult you into revenue growth, smooth processes and forward momentum OR keep you strangled with too much manual work, wasted efforts and confusing outcomes. […]

key decisions in the first year of business

The first year of business: Key decisions that promote long-term success

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Doing simple market research for your startup business is one of the absolute critical steps early in your business planning. Let’s explore how understanding your customer through new business market research can significantly speed up your sales process. Download the FREE Market Research Manual here. Missing Market Research can mean Years of Wasted Startup Marketing […]

simple market research for the new business

How to do Simple Market Research for Your Startup

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Networking, for introverts, can initiate an immediate, stomach-churning rejection of any social context involving presenting your business pitch or doing uncomfortable icebreakers with a bunch of professionals in suits. I can relate. But I want to help you shift that mindset, because it’s 2024, and networking for introverts means we don’t have to do anything […]

Networking for introverts

New Business Networking for Introverts

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Does your brand new business need social media marketing? My fourth Savvy Startup Marketer podcast ventured into spicy marketing territory. The hot topic? Why I firmly believe first-time business owners should steer clear of social media in their first year. Buckle up; it’s going to be an insightful ride. The Social Media Marketing Mirage: A […]

new female business owner startup marketing

Does a New Business Need Social Media Marketing?

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Building your own business website feels so easy…until you sit down to do it. That’s when it hits you; you have no idea what a good DIY business website actually needs. How many web pages does your website need and what should those web pages have on them? What kind of copy should you put […]

what does my website need?

What does my DIY business website need?

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Consider this your friendly guide to understanding and applying basic SEO techniques in 2024, minus the techy mumbo-jumbo. What is SEO, Anyway? I’m so glad you asked because this brings up a huge point. SEO in 2005 is massively different than SEO in 2024. Today, optimizing your marketing content for search is no longer only […]

SEO in 2024 best practices for new business owners

Increase your SEO in 2024 (ps. it’s not just about Google anymore)

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When you do this, you can always take a minimalist marketing approach with your small business. What’s this, you ask? It’s a shift in mindset: Focus on customers, not just new leads I get that this approach might sound a bit unconventional, but when you give it some thought, you realize customer happiness – and […]

how to make customers your best marketers

How to do Minimalist Marketing – Forever

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For a lot of the small business owners I’ve spoken with, marketing and lead generation are more challenging in 2023 than they have been in the previous few years. Personally, I don’t think it’s one specific reason – I think marketing right now is challenging due to a mixed bag. Big tech changes, a tough […]

Why isn’t my marketing working in 2023?

Grab the Market Research Manual

The four-page market research guide for new entrepreneurs and experienced business owners alike. What to ask, how to ask it and when to renew your insights. Stay on top of regular research, customer feedback, emerging trends and increase your sales through smarter decision making.