Why not sending emails is costing your business

Why not sending emails is costing your business

If you’ve followed me for long, you know I’m ALLLLLLL about simple, consistent marketing. I coach business owners that whatever they’re realistically going to DO is a better plan than aiming for what’s overwhelming and hard to keep up with. BUT….

Your audience still needs frequent messaging from you to actually convert.

47% of buyers view at least 3 to 5 pieces of content before deciding to speak with a sales rep. (Demand Gen Report, 2016)


Top digital marketing companies spend their time, money and talent orchestrating complicated customer journeys online. These journeys are strategized and scrutinized with the intention of “touching”, essentially sending some form of marketing message, a single potential customer several times a week. If your business is ready, you may be able to buy software or outsource a digital marketing pro to help create journeys for your business. Or, you can apply the same concept to a more basic marketing plan by increasing your “touches” – or messaging – by 2-3 pieces of marketing each week. If you’re not doing weekly or bi-weekly emails, that’s the first addition I recommend. Here’s why:

  • Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter. – McKinsey

  • Three-quarters of companies agree that email offers “excellent” to “good” ROI. (Econsultancy, 2016)

  • Active email accounts are expected to hit 5.6 billion by 2019. (Statitsa, 2018)

  • About 49% of businesses use some form of email automation. (Emailmonday, 2018)

Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics

And for a personal anecdote, I began growing my email list and sending regular emails a few months ago. I can ABSOLUTELY tell a difference. My website traffic spikes after sending emails AND I’ve had followers who’ve been quietly observing my brand from the early stages engage more since I began sending emails to their inbox.

I could go on and on and bore you with more stats but here are three things I’ve observed from being in marketing for years – both in corporate and side-hustle world.

  1. Email makes your audience feel informed, in-the-loop and special.

  2. You should NEVER hesitate to send emails, or increase the frequency of emailing, because you’re afraid of turning people off. Just like your social accounts, their freedom to unsubscribe simply means they’re not your ideal customer at that moment.

  3. Social media algorithms make it impossible to get your posts to ALL your followers. Email is far better at guaranteeing your message will get a chance at being seen by the recipient.

Of course, throwing emails into your marketing without a whole picture plan could make them more work than they’re worth.

Make sure you’re following me on Instagram for free trainings on email campaigns and all other things digital marketing related!

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