Four tricks to increase your social media reach

Four tricks to increase your social media reach

I know what you want tips on, friend.

You want to know how you can triple your social media following in a month. Don’t we all!? While I can’t guarantee you’ll cream the complicated, somewhat unfair to small potatoes algorithms of Facebook and Instagram, I can give you  insider tricks to help your content be seen and engaged with. 

Here are four tricks to make sure those posts you’re creating and publishing actually get in front of eyeballs. 


Create a hashtag library. 

Hashtags make a world of difference, especially on Instagram. The first thing I do for clients is create a library of 50-60 hashtags (and I’ll add to that as I think of others). Instagram will penalize overuse of a certain hashtag so you want to mix up how often you post them. Divide your library into smaller groups of about 15-30 each and use a different group each time you post. I rotate through five groups for my own account, for example, to ensure I’m not posting the same hashtag too frequently.

Facebook doesn’t rely as much on hashtag searches like Instagram so it’s not as vital to apply this to Facebook. I will use 2-3 hashtags per Facebook post for my digital marketing agency clients. 

Use attractive art.

The accounts that grow quickest are those that post appealing graphics and photos. You don’t have to be a graphic designer to do this, just make sure your posts look nice. If you’re posting blurry photos with bad lighting or graphics that are poorly put together, you’re going to really struggle to get followers.

My recommendation is to base your account on whichever you’re stronger at – photos, video or graphics. If you know your way around canva and can create nice looking graphics, do more of that. If you want to watch some youtube tutorials on taking great selfies, maybe that’s your best art option. Or, if you have great info to share and are comfortable filming yourself, get that face on camera, friend! 

I’m not the most artistic marketer so I’ve looked at a few accounts I like for myself and my clients and taken notes on how they’re keeping their look on-brand and consistent. Usually it’s simply a matter of using brand colors, fonts and choice photo filters. If your brand is centered on you as a service provider, however, don’t feel like you have to present yourself like a polished product. Be you!

Video reigns supreme.

Video is consistently shown to be the best type of content for posting, stories and ads. In fact, the latest algorithm changes for Instagram push accounts that post more video. I strongly encourage offering as much video content as you can, whether it’s of you providing educational information, showing the behind-the-scenes of your business, filming your products or getting personal by showing your family adventures and extracurricular activities. 

At the moment (because algorithms can change at the drop of a hat), social media platforms and ads prefer 3 minute or longer videos. Personally, I think that’s ridiculous in the age of short attention spans but it’s not my call. Also, if you’re going to make video your thing and you’re savvy on a video platform or have someone making them for you make sure to size the video for the platform it’s going to be seen on. Instastories, for example, are a vertical size that is different from insta feed posts or Facebook feed posts. Sizing is important if you want to get the most out of that video content you spend so much time making.

Use the features.

Both Facebook and Instagram are constantly adding options for your posts such as polls, stickers, countdown tickers, location tags, etc. Many of these “extras” actually hold some engagement weight. Using location tags and hashtags in your Insta stories, for example, increase your story reach. Get familiar with these content additions and use them! I promise they’re quick and easy to use and WORTH it.

Like most marketing, there’s no magical overnight success method for social media. You have to consistently offer interesting content. These tips, however, can make sure your hard work creating all that content isn’t wasted. 

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