Email Campaign | Next Level Career Services

Email Campaign | Next Level Career Services

I was delighted when Ebony contacted me about providing an email campaign for her business, Next Level Career Services. This lady knows recruiting, resume’ writing, interviewing and career next steps backward and forward. She had recently launched a website but needed a consistent way to stay in front of her audience and drive future clients to the services and tools provided there.

I offered Ebony a couple of email campaign options at the start, one including MailChimp build-out and formatting, and one for content writing and strategy only. Ebony enjoys learning how to use marketing platforms herself and opted for the content writing only so she could get hands-on with MailChimp to distribute the emails. Great choice! Most of the time, I start with a comprehensive proposal to my girl boss clientele and we tweak and trim and add from there. I’ve found that first proposal is normally just a baseline to maneuver from.

I went to work drafting 9 emails. During the mid-project review, Ebony told me she’d been working on quite a bit of blog and downloadable content that weren’t on her site yet. Tons of great helpful content!??? Let me at it! The primary revisions to the initial drafts became all about teasing and giving away much of that incredible content she’d worked so hard on. SUCH a win-win for both the business and its audience.

Within six weeks, I delivered 9 strategized and fully written emails to Ebony, along with follow-up instructions for how to utilize the campaign to best suit her business needs. It was such fun to imagine her potential customers reading these emails and giving Ebony the opportunity to help them on their way to a new job, role or career.

If an email campaign is next on your marketing list, let me know how I can help!

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