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Admittedly, sometimes it feels like social anxiety is beating me (at least beating me up on the inside, even if I manage to put on a good face). But my battle with this particular type of fear and anxiety is one I win far more frequently than lose. And that’s what I want to focus […]

How I (am continuously) beating social anxiety

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As entrepreneurs, we spend a lot of time hearing about target audience from the boss gurus we follow. It’s Marketing 101 to know who your ideal client is and drive your marketing message and placement toward that type of person. Obviously, my target audience is small business owners. More specifically, small business owners who aren’t […]

Who your target audience is NOT

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Earlier this week, I met up with a friend just to chat about life. We said hello, ordered coffee and for the next hour and a half, compared our life history, each going back a few years, doing that thing where you cock your head to the side and scrunch your forehead in concentration to […]

Pink hair, the motorcycle story and bad Facebook photos

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Even for a full-time content creator (that’s me!), writer’s block is real. As I type this out, in fact, the tail end of a sinus infection and distraction of my toddler’s noisy toys (anyone else SUPER sensitive to noise while they work?) are causing the wheels of inspiration to turn about as fast as a […]

3 Proven Remedies for Content Writer’s Block

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You would think authenticity in a marketing message would be one of the most natural skills for a business owner. Simply write like you talk. Convey a thought or idea the way you would standing in your kitchen or brainstorming with your team.  But how many of you girl (and guy) bosses are with me […]

Branding Authentically: Learn from others without losing your voice

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If you struggle with anxiety, self-doubt, nagging little worries and difficulty fully relaxing, I have a diagnosis, and the remedy isn’t in pill form. Your problem may stem from a lack of being planted.  In the past six years, Philip and I have pressed through a lot of change. Some of it our choice, some […]

Being Planted: The anti-anxiety remedy

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If you’re a small business owner trying to figure out why your pretty fantastic company can’t break through a growth ceiling, it may be this: You’re trying to be everything to everyone.  I know that’s not easy to hear, but from what I’ve seen in my time of helping brands become more extraordinary, this is absolutely the […]

Why isn’t my business growing? These may be the reasons.

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Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash Being in a creative field, I’m surrounded by sickeningly talented people. Sure, I’m a decent writer, but God help my Canva attempts. I’m pretty sure my computer suppresses giggles (she’s a girl and her name is electra, btw) every time I crap out a design-challenged social post (follow me […]

[In] dependence: Why it’s a good thing you’re not the best

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Oh the copywriting sins I’ve committed – especially on my own marketing! From a longtime copywriter, here are a few things about writing and posting I’ve learned the hard way. We’ve all had those moments when saying something out of turn, inauthentic or unchecked damaged our personal reputation. Sometimes, in an effort to sound smart, […]

Five copywriting sins that can hurt your brand reputation

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I’ve always been a runner, but after having Cora, I threw myself into more overall fitness – thanks to a workplace that emphasizes health and conveniently has a gym and class schedule. For the past couple years, I’ve been in that gym swinging kettle bells, burpee-ing, doing squats, tossing wall balls and jumping rope. In […]

Good squats and better character

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